Rev. Fred Hinz to lead Adult Bible Study on Sunday

Sunday, November 10th Rev. Fred Hinz, advocate for public policy for MN. South and North Districts will lead our Adult Bible Class on “Creator of All Things, Visible and Invisible.” He has recently returned from the Discovery Institute Conference with the most current findings to call into question the evolutionary theory.
Rev. Hinz quotes, “The underlying motive of which I’m speaking is the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution.”

In recent years especially, the scientific evidence disputing the grand claims of evolutionary biology (the macro-evolutionary tale of “microbes to men”) has been steadily mounting. Indeed, the potent nature of this new evidence has prompted numerous high profile agnostic and atheistic intellectuals to publicly announce their abandonment of Darwinian theory, including David Gelernter, Thomas Nagel, and Antony Flew. In response, several recent international gatherings of leading evolutionists have been trying, quietly, to salvage the evolutionary project by coming up with plausible alternatives to current evolutionary thought (e.g., the multiverse theory) to avoid having to admit the obvious: the designed nature of living organisms.

Don’t miss this Sunday’s Bible Class, Nov. 10, at 9:45 am at Holy Cross!

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