Does God Exist?

The fine-tuning of the law of physics, combined with the remarkable programming of life through the DNA code, provide strong evidence for the existence of a Creator who makes complex life possible. For example:

First, the forces at play in the universe are in amazing balance, which allow the stars and planets to exist instead of being a universe of widely dispersed atoms. Magnetism, gravity, and atomic forces all work harmoniously together to allow matter to form into suns, planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Fred Hoyle, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge University, was an agnostic who reluctantly came to theism based upon the balance of the universe. According to Professor Hoyle, the universe looks like a “put-up job.” A common-sense interpretation of the facts suggests that “a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology,” and that there are “no blind forces worth speaking about in nature.” (Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe)

Stephen Hawking made a similar observation about the universe’s expansion rate. “If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size.” (Hawking, A Brief History of Time)

Second, the laws of physics can be described mathematically, pointing to a rational Mind as its creator. As noted by religious skeptic Paul Davies, Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Adelaide in Australia, “Few scientists stop to wonder why the fundamental laws of the universe are mathematical.” Most modern scientists just “take it for granted.”  (Davies, The Mind of God)

Third, the universe has not existed eternally, as the ancient Greeks believed. Instead, it came into existence a finite time ago, in the Big Bang. This was not only the beginning of matter and energy – it was also the beginning of space and time. Since the universe cannot create itself, a Creator outside of matter, energy, space and time was required. Indeed, many religious skeptics initially resisted the Big Bang theory, since it was seen to defend the traditional Jewish account of creation.

Fourth, all of life is written in a DNA code, using a four-letter genetic alphabet known as A, T, G and C. The DNA coding is far more complex than traditional computer coding with its base-2 coding that only uses zeros and ones. As observed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” (Gates, The Road Ahead)