March for Life 2018

The March for Life will be held on January 22, 2018. Concordia University St Paul will host a Chapel service on Monday, January 22, beginning at 10:30 am, at Graebner Memorial Chapel. Come to worship the Author and Perfecter of Life and pray that people everywhere will uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and turn their hearts toward the children.

After chapel, we will then travel to the Capitol Mall for the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) March For Life which begins at 12:00 pm south of the Capitol building. It will be followed by a brief program on the Capitol steps at 12:30 pm. MCCL will introduce its legislative agenda for the upcoming session during the program. Many pro-life elected officials are expected to attend the March and will be introduced to the crowd.

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” — John 10:10 ESV. 

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