Seminarian Support Sundays …

Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to the Seminarian Support Fund during August! So far we received $2,295! We are well on our way to our goal of $4,500. 

This fund is used to aid any Holy Cross member who is attending the Seminary. Tuition is over $26,000 annually, not including housing. Because our LCMS seminaries do not receive any funding from the Synod, students must pay their own way, receive help from their home congregations and districts, and/or receive direct donations made to the Seminary. While it is not a requirement, it is considered a blessing if a student’s home congregation can support 25% of the annual tuition costs. 

We will continue our special offering on the 2nd Sundays in October and November, Oct. 8th and Nov. 12th; however, offerings can be made at any time. Simply submit your check to Holy Cross with “Seminary Support” written on the memo line or make the same note on your offering envelope. Funds will be sent directly to the Seminary for the student(s). 

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